lovin' the lamp and frames
beautiful chandelier
I love the shelf with mostly fashion magazines
check out the shoes...this IS a fashion stylists' house
I love this too.
master bedroom
I recently had the chance to work on the upcoming F Reunion show which was sponsored by Olay. To those of you who are not familiar with the show, F was a lifestyle show hosted by 3 women Daphne Osena, Angel Aquino and Cher Calvin . It premiered during the late 90's and it was one of the most successful magazine shows here in the Philippines. Then Cher Calvin left and pursued a career in broadcasting in the US and Amanda Griffin replaced her. I used to watch it all the time because it showcased the recent fashion trends and hip places to go to. So, when I got a call from Denise Go asking If I would be interested in doing makeup for the show. I said YES. Shooting day started off with a rough start ( I was late grrr.. Friday traffic is the s*it) but once things started rolling I had fun and learned a lot. Location was in stylist Pam Quinones' house in Mandaluyong. She is the featured stylist on Daphne's segment on the F Reunion Show. Her outfit rocked. Her house rocked. She rocks!. Then I met Daphne Osena - Paez and I think that she's a sweetheart. I thought she would be difficult to work with but it was the exact opposite. I love her and I love her blog. The F Show Reunion will air on Sept 27,2009 Sunday on ABS-CBN after the news and before Urban Zone.
**Most of my pictures are of Pam Q's house because I fell in love with everything inside it.
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