I just love love my Starbuck's recycled tumblers. I first purchased a small one for the convenience of taking water or coffee with me to work. I needed a compact yet non leakable container so I wouldn't worry if I dumped it in my bag. Then I realized the small one didn't hold as much drink as I would have liked it to. A friend noticed I was making multiple trips to the water dispenser during shoots and so I explained. The next Starbucks coffee run we had she purchased one for me. (Thanks Ainge !) Now, I use the big one for water and small one when I purchase my fave drink at Starbucks ( you get P5 off if you bring your own recycable tumbler and at the same time you help the environment). Price range: P500 - P900. A bit price-y but worth the cause and being hassle free from leaky containers.
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